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Top 10 Most Expensive Shoes In The World 2017

Shoe is the item of footwear to protect and comforts the foot of human, shoes are also symbol of fashion and luxury. Traditionally shoes are made from lather wood or canvas but now also made from rubber, plastic and other materials. Some shoes are made to meet the climate and hard weather and especially the women are very conscious about their footwear but now a day’s men also very conscious about the shoes. It is said that shoes are the most important and valuable in the whole look of the person.
There are many people in the world who scoff at the idea of shopping for accessories and clothing but even the most of cynics is it male and female getting a glint in their eyes, when it comes to shoes. Nothing can make women as a high healed red Christian louboutins or a pair of limited edition Nike or Adidas boots signed by baseball players. So many designers are working to create stylish and luxurious shoes but some of them break the ice and made some expensive shoes.
Here is the list of top 10 most expensive shoes in the world 2017.
10: Diamond Dream Stilettos ($500,000)
The unannounced emperor of the shoe would finally makes an appearance of most expensive shoes in the world. This shoes is specifically made by hands the very talented designer designed this amazing sandal styled stilettos. Those shoes scream for attention with their amazing style. It is not possible whenever someone write about shoes not write about Weitzman. These shoes aptly named diamond dream stilettos as diamond are truly a girl dream. This beautiful pair of shoes price is ($500000).

9: Original “Ruby Slippers” ($612,000)
Original ruby shoes are so elegant first it was sold at an auction and second are displayed in museum. It is one of the only three pair of shoes used in cult movie. This was worn by the character Dorothy in the movie one of these shoes seen in the movie as well. When they display it to the world everyone so inspired by the shoes that red shoes became eye candie of all the time. This is really stunning pair of the shoes in the world history. The worth of this shoe is ($612000).

8: Marilyn Monroe Shoes – By Stuart Weitzman’s ($1 Million)
Marilyn Monroe shoes are crafted with prized crystals the actress use to wear in her days, it was first worm the 2005 Oscar by Regina king and was later auctioned off when it caught the media attention. The pair of this shoes Marilyn Monroe wear them which worth almost $1 million.
This pair of shoes are filled with very beautiful crystal and with elegant design. Marilyn Monroe one of the most expensive shoes in the world.

7: Retro Rose Pumps – By Stuart Weitzman ($1 Million)
Retro rose pumps designed switch diamond by one of the most famous designer Stuart Weitzman in 1940 with signature of T-strap. It is world costly shoes because 1800 kwiat diamond of 100 carats used in this. Pump shoes is a design fixed beautiful high heels in dusty gold it add a special charm to the shoes and moreover it oozes elegance. Famous Hollywood star Diablo cody selected this shoes to the set red carpet in sizzle at the Oscar 2008. This shoe was sold for one million US Dollar.

6: Ruby Slippers – By Stuart Weitzman  ($1.6 Million)
Ruby Slippers designed by famous designer Stuart Weitzman and used this expensive pair of shoes in movie Wizard of Oz. Ruby Slippers made with 642 oval and rubies on red cherry fabrics total rubies used 123.33 carat half pound of diamond also.
In 2003 decide this pair of shoes for Oscar Awards but because of Iraq war this plan was cancel. The price of this beautiful and stunning shoe is 1.6 million US dollar Stuart Weitzman Ruby Slippers most expensive shoes in the world.

5: Platinum Guild Stilettos ($1.9 Million)
Platinum Guild Stilettos most expensive shoes designed by the Platinum Weitzard in 2002 made from platinum fabric with 464 Kwait diamond and these shoes was first million dollar shoes that nominate for the Oscar award. Mulholland Drive Actress Laura chooses to wear this gorgeous shoe on the big night with three bodyguards to protect her and the expensive shoes. Platinum Guild Stilettos is most expensive shoe in the world with the price of 1.9 million US dollar. After ten year Stuart Weitzman made this type of shoes but with low price and used crystal instead of diamond price was only $595.

4: Tanzanite Heels – By Stuart Weitzman ($2 Million)
It designed by world famous Stuart Weitzman designer. Present Weitzman Tanzaite heels a pair of evening sandals featuring 185 carat of luxuries blue –purple diamond which is quite high rated metals to be worn by your shoes. Designed in 2006 in collaboration with jewelry designer Eddie Levian the bejeweled silver-leather shoes with platinum heels are valued at $2 million.
At first glance the shoes look more look more like a royal necklace then foot appeared a 16 carat pear-shaped tanzanite dangles from the diamond –encrusted ankle strap which boast alternating pear and oval shape tanzanite in January 2007 general public got to see this pair of shoe at new yark liabrary.

3: Cinderella Slippers – By Stuart Weitzman ($2 Million)
This Stuart Weitzman shoes called the Cinderella slippers the specially designed and world expensive shoes beautifully decorated with 565 kwiat diamond and Italian leather coating. Ankle strap made of lace like pattern made with 535 carat diamond.
In 2004 an American bluegrass country singer Alison Krauss wear this beautiful and luxury Cinderella slippers on the red carpet. Million of girl have dream to wear this stunning and most beautiful shoes of the world but not affordable to everyone.

2: Rita Hayworth Heels ($3 Million)
Rita Hayworth heels designed by the Stuart Weitzman this pair of shoe also very beautiful and amazing. This shoe has dreamy look and made with diamond, sapphires and ruby color is chocolate brown. This pair of shoe in one of the kind and not for sale.
Only Hollywood legend Rita Hayworth wear this world expensive shoes now this beautiful footwear under the authority of his daughter Princess Yasmeen Aga khan. The price of this specially design shoes is three million us dollar.

1: The Ruby Slippers ($3.01 Million)
The ruby slippers designed by Harry Winston in classical movie The Wizard of Oz (1939) and utilized 50 carat diamond and 4600 rubies. Initially design two pair with different style when the 1st pair used in costume test it was rejected due to unsuitable for Dorothy’s Kansas but second design was approved with one modification.
Only 4 pair of ruby slippers known today 5th one was lost in august 2005 and has never been recovered. Ruby designed one of the most expensive shoes in the world and price is $3.01 million.

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